Enriched and internal categories: an extensive relationship
Th. Cottrell, S. Fujii, J. Power
We consider an extant infinitary variant of Lawvere's finitary
definition of extensivity of a category V.
In the presence of
cartesian closedness and finite limits in V, we give two
characterisations of the condition in terms of a biequivalence
the bicategory of matrices over V and the bicategory of spans
over discrete objects in V. Using the condition, we prove
V-Cat and the category Catd(V) of
internal categories in V with a discrete object of objects are
Our leading example has V=Cat, making
V-Cat the category of all small 2-categories and
Catd(V) the category of
small double categories with
discrete category of objects.
We further show that if V is
extensive, then so are V-Cat and Cat(V),
allowing the process to iterate.
Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, Vol. 10(3) (2017), pp. 239-254